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The Student Massage Clinic will be on hiatus beginning
March 7, 2025 for Spring Break.

We will return at the beginning of April
with our evening students.

Effective 8/2/23, we are only accepting payment via credit card. See below for more info. 

If you are a new client, we ask that you arrive 15 minutes early for your appointment to complete necessary paperwork.


Please be on-time for your appointment.  If you are late, the amount of time that you are late will be deducted from your massage session.  This is necessary due to the fact that there may be clients coming in after you and it would not be fair to make them wait.


-You must be 18 years of age or older to receive a massage. If you are under 18, your parent or legal guardian must contact the clinic at 215-619-7433 to schedule an appointment for you.  **Parent or legal guardian must be present for the massage session**


Massage Rates:

1 hour massage* - $35.00

1 hour prenatal massage* - $35.00

90 minute massage* - $55.00


*Student availability for each modaility above depends on level of training and portion of program completed.


Appointments are based upon student availability.

Please contact the Massage Clinic if you have questions, or are having trouble booking an appointment, at 215-619-7433. You may also email us at: [email protected].


Appointment Locator
Select massage type


- For your convenience, you can
prepay for your massage by clicking here.

 Show your payment receipt to the clinic supervisor when you arrive for your massage. 

PLEASE CALL 215-619-7433 with any questions. 

Please click the options to the left to begin scheduling your appointment.


**You DO NOT have to chose a specific gender or pressure type for your therapist. If left blank, you will see all available appointments.