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The studio will be closing soon for the summer. All remaining appointments have been posted. No additional dates will be released. 

Have a great summer!

Appointment Locator
Select session

WELCOME Graduates - Lifetouch online booking

McMaster University Grad Session $40
Mohawk College Session $20 

Please follow these steps to schedule your appointment!

Step 1
  Select your Session Type.

Step 2  Select your Site.
Step 3  Select "All Faculty" 
Step 4 Select date to show avalable times. 
              If selected date doesnt populate available times, it's not available.  Please re-select.   
Step 5  Click book it on your desired time.
Step 6. Complete Registration form/Confirm Appt.

f you have already booked an appointment and are returning to reschedule or cancel your original appointment, you have to login into your account and cancel the previous appointment
**It is the responsibility of the student to assue all information provided is accurate at the time of the sitting. 

Please contact us at:   mcmasteruniversity@lifetouch.ca   with questions.