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Dyersburg State Community College
AppointmentPlus Scheduling System

1. Select location2. Select service3. Select advisor4. Select Date5. Select Time6. Finalize appointment

Appointment Locator
Location Address 1510 Lake Road
Dyersburg,TN 38024

Career Counseling appointments are available in-person at the Jimmy Naifeh Center or by phone or Zoom video. When meeting by Zoom video, watch your email for a Zoom invitation. ACCUPLACER® Brush-Up appointments and ACCUPLACER® Exam appointments are only available as an In-Person appointment option.
Select event
Select service


Welcome to DSCC's Appointment-Plus! Find the type of appointment you wish to make and follow the directions. If you need help making an appointment, contact a DSCC One Stop.

To schedule an Advising Session:

1. Select an appropriate campus from the Select Location drop down menu.
2. Select Advising Session from the Select Service drop down menu.
3. Select an Advisor from the Select Advisor drop down menu.
4. Choose a day to meet with the selected Advisor.
5. Choose an available time slot.

To schedule an ACCUPLACER Brush Up Session:

1. Select an appropriate campus from the Select Location drop down menu. 
2. Select ACCUPLACER Brush UP from the Select Events drop down menu. 
3. Choose a day and available time slot.

To schedule a Career Counseling session:

1. Select an appropriate campus from the Select Location drop down menu.
2. Select Career Counseling from the Select Service drop down menu.
3. Select a Career Counselor from the Select Advisor drop down menu.
4. Choose a day to meet with the selected Career Counselor.
5. Choose an available time slot.

To schedule to attend New Student Orientation:

1. Select the date of the New Student Orientation from the Select Events drop down menu. 
2. Choose the date and time.

To schedule a ACCUPLACER, TEAS, or Graduate Exit Exam date:

1. Select an appropriate campus from the Select Location drop down menu.
2. Select the appropriate test (i.e. ACCUPLACER, Graduate Exit Exam, etc.) from the Select Event drop down menu.
3. Choose a date listed in the Event Registration Box.

Or for information to schedule a CLEP, Pearson VUE, or Proctored Exam:

Visit the DSCC Testing Website