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On-Ice Session Registration
U13/U11 Breakfast Club - Full Season Date(s)
18 Wednesday morning sessions Starting Oct 16th, 23rd,30th, Nov 6,13,28(Thursday), Dec 4,th,11th,18th, Jan 8th,15th 22nd,29th,Feb 5th,12th,26th, Mar 5th,12th Cost: $675.00+ GST Spot guaranteed upon receipt of funds.. Please phone 306-522-PEAK with credit card information or e-transfer $708.75 to todd@peakhockeysask.com and include player's name and camp name in the memo.
Wed,10/16/2024 (7 of 24 available) 

Selected On-Ice Session

On-Ice Session U13/U11 Breakfast Club - Full Season
Date Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Start Time 7:00am

Please complete the following information including PLAYER SPECIFIC information. Please note that a profile will need to be created for each player.  We apologize for the inconvenience but this is to ensure a personalized experience for each player.

-Thank you

Are you a new or returning user?       
Returning Users

Please enter your login and password below.
Password    I forgot my login information
New User

* Indicates required field

* Player's First Name
* Player's Last Name
Team, Level & Tier
* Player's Birth Year
Postal Code
Phone Number
Emergency Phone Number
Cell Phone
* E-mail
* Login
    For ease of use we recommend using the player's first name
* Password
    For ease of use we recommend using the player's date of birth, family's last name, or phone number.
* Retype Password
Peak Performance Waiver

In consideration of Peak Performance Hockey accepting the Application of the child specified above as a participant in the clinic activities, I, the parent or guardian of the child, do hereby waive and release Peak Performance Hockey, and all employees, servants, and agents, from any and all claims, actions, causes of action, injury, illness, losses or damages, including the risk of possible accidents, physical injury, or exposure to the Covid-19 virus or other infections or infectious diseases which may be suffered by the child as a result of, or connected with, participating in the activities of the clinic, including, but not limited to, claims arising from or connected to negligence of the clinic, participation in the activities of the clinic, or the actions of the employees, servants, or agents of the clinic. Hockey, and its associated activities, is inherently dangerous and all risk of all injury, illness, loss or damage to the child is assumed by the parent or guardian. I, the parent or guardian agree to indemnify and hold harmless Peak Performance Hockey and all employees, servants, and agents from any and all claims, actions, causes of action, injury, illness, losses or damages, which may be made by the child, or anyone on behalf of or account of the child, directly or indirectly related to or associated with the activities of the clinic. By accepting this waiver, I also permit Peak Performance Hockey the right to use and publish photographs of my child or photographs in which he/she may be included for reproduction on the Peak Performance Hockey website and in Peak Performance Hockey promotions. I understand that my child will not be named in any situation where his/her likeness is used. I have read and understood this waiver.

* Please type Parent's First & Last name to accept the terms & conditions of this waiver
RapidShot Membership # (if applicable)
Special Instructions
E-mail Confirmation and Reminders
Confirmation and reminder e-mails for this appointment will be sent to (separate additional e-mail addresses by commas):