Educational Tours
  March 2025
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Schedule a tour at the Museum of Natural History!


Located on the campus of the University of Nevada, Reno, the Museum of Natural History holds irreplaceable specimens of plants and animals that are used for research, teaching, and outreach.  As the only museum of its kind in the state, the Museum of Natural History is a unique and important resource for understanding Nevada's natural heritage.

About our educational tours:

  • Tours of our museum are free
  • We can accommodate groups up to 40 students
  • Tours last 75 minutes and include an interactive look at the museum collections and a standards-based, hands-on science activity
  • Tours should be scheduled at least two weeks in advance

Beyond these guidelines, it may be possible to make special accommodations for your group by contacting our Education and Collections Coordinator Cynthia Scholl ([email protected]) or our Outreach Coordinator Julie Stoughton ([email protected]).


To schedule a tour, please the calendar on the left. 


We look forward to seeing you!