Request Appointment
Select Service Category
Select inspection type

Event Registration
ff Date(s)


Note for Returning Customers -  If you see a "LOG OUT" option available above... STOP and click "log-out"... otherwise new appointment information will merge with prior appointment information.  Once "log-out" is no longer visible... continue making your new appointment.




For Detroit CofC Property Inspections - ALL TOWNHOUSES, CONDOS, BOARDING HOUSES or APARTMENTS - you must use a City of Detroit BSEED Inspector to conduct the property inspection... contact Detroit BSEED directly (313-224-2733) to schedule your inspection.


LAND BANK PROPERTIES.... LAND BANK PROPERTIES.... LAND BANK PROPERTIES -  IF YOU HAVE A LAND BANK property... it CANNOT be inspected by a third party contractor - you must use a City of Detroit BSEED Inspector to conduct the required inspection.   DO NOT SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT WITH OUR COMPANY for these properties!


*** If you book one of these type of properties with our company and our inspector shows up... it will NOT be inspected and any refund will be less $40***







Welcome to the Detroit Inspection Group online reservation system! Please follow these 7 simple steps to book your next inspection:


1.  Use the drop down boxes on the left of this screen to select a service category followed by the inspection type you are needing completed.  If you are unsure which type of inspection to choose, please click on the "Inspection Types" tab directly above this box for a description of each.



2.  Select your inspector from the drop down menu


3.  Choose the desired date for your appointment on the calendar to the left


4.  Select the time slot most convenient for you


5.  Fill out information regarding property to be inspected (then click CONTINUE)


6.  Fill out information regarding the credit card you are using (then click CONTINUE)


7.  Provide credit card number and pay for Appointment (click SUBMIT)