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POC: SSgt Tyler Pinson Alternate: Janette Seidler
Select Base Service


Welcome to the Ramstein Air Base Appointment Scheduling Program!


Click Here: Current COVID-19 Information and Guidance


Please Read Below To Get Started. Thank You.

 To get started, please first select the location you are interested in from the "Location" drop down menu to the left. “Base Events” are selected via the annotated drop down menu. “Base Services” can be accessed by selecting a “Base Agency.”

*NOTE: If you are trying to access a Ramstein "Base Service" (i.e. PT Test, Informed Decision, Vehicle Registration, etc.) please select RAMSTEIN from the “Location" menu, skip the "Base Event" menu, and select the "Base Agency" that is facilitating the Base Service you are looking for.

 The “Forgot My Password” function works! Please utilize this to reset your password.

*Professional Development Center (PDC) Events We are no longer using appointments plus, and have moved to Eventbrite.  Please go to the following link to sign up: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ftac-23-5-tickets-449428110577?aff=erelexpmlt&keep_tld=1
*For First Term Airmen Course (FTAC) Sign up:  We are no longer using appointments plus, and have moved to Eventbrite.  Please go to the following link to sign up: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ftac-23-5-tickets-449428110577?aff=erelexpmlt&keep_tld=1