Appointment Locator
Select appointment type


Hello Team Ontario,


Welcome to the 2024 Benefits Open Enrollment. We have created timeslots for one-on-one meetings with the Benefits Team. These meetings will be conducted virtually via Microsoft Teams or phone call. Be advised that timeslots are LIMITED to periods of 15 minutes and are set on a first come, first served basis. Therefore, have your questions ready. If you are no longer available for your appointment, ensure you cancel your appointment so that someone else can book it.


Note: If you indicate a Teams meeting, you will be sent a Teams invite to join your meeting at the selected date and time shortly after reserving your virtual meeting. Invites will be sent to your work email, unless another email is provided.


If you indicate a phone call, please leave us the phone number you wish to be reached at. 


Thank you and the Benefits Team looks forward to speaking with you soon!


Benefits Team can be reached via email at or by phone ext 2433. Please be aware responses may be delayed due to Open Enrollment preparation.