Appointment Locator
Select appointment type


Welcome to the Student Financial Services online reservation system

Appointments can be conducted via telephone, zoom or in-person. 
In person appointments will take place in the SFS office in McSpedon Hall, Room 201

Please Note: All visitors must present Photo ID before we can discuss an account

Please use the drop-down menus on the left to select a meeting type and format.

To select the best staff member for your appointment, please use the guide below:

Financial Aid Counseling, please select your dedicated financial aid counselor based on your last name as specified below:

Leandra Dominguez               A – G and Veterans               
Nelida Capellan                     Grad & H-K & M
Jennifer Connolly                  L & N-Z


Bill and Payment, please select by purpose of your appointment:


Franscesca DiMaggio           Current and past due balances ( A- L) , Company deferment, ACCESS-VR)
Shaqkia Gloade                    
Current and past due balances ( M- Z) , Tuition insurance, Company deferment-NYP)

Shante Johnston                    TouchNet payment plans, refunds

F-1 International students, please select your advisor by the first letter of your last name as specified below:

 Shanté Johnston               A - L
Jennifer Connolly             M - Z