Welcome to our online reservation system.

To get started, Click on Join The Waiting List above. Then use the drop down menus on the left. Select the service you are needing. You will placed on a waiting list and will be notified when a time is availble.

Join the Waiting List
Select service
Select select repairs needed
Change belts or Change sheave
Chemical pump wont run install
Circulating pump wont run
Tork timer wont run
Add or repair receptacle
Add or replace ceiling fan
Add or Replace Loadcenter
Add or replace meter base
Hook up new appliance or equipment
Install new electrical building
Install new underground
Lost power
Pivot wont run
Water well wont run
Blown line fuses
Crane material handling
Install new overhead primary line
Install new transformer bank
Repair overhead primary line
Repair transformer bank
Replace broken pole
Automation - Alarm work
Hook up Kills
Injection or transfer Pump wont run
Install or replace motor
Lact or Vru wont run
Locate and repair bad underground
New well hook up
Well wont run
high pot for lines
Hydro Vac for new ditch
Hydro Vac for new pole


Waiting List

Select your Appointment criteria to the left to join the waiting list.