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Reservation Locator
Select reservation type


Select your reservation type using the drop-down list on the left.

For in-person group reservations, select "In-Person Group Visit."

For virtual presentations, select "Virtual Q+A with a Fed Ambassador." We currently use Microsoft Teams as our primary virtual presentation platform.

After selecting your reservation type, a calendar will appear with available dates.
Click on the date you would like, and then select a time. Dates in gray are already full.

Reservations must be made at least 3-weeks in advance, and no more than 6-months in advance. 

Please note that staff members are not able to accommodate reservations for student groups under sixth grade. For further questions or you are have any issues with booking a reservation, please email [email protected].

Please note, phone calls may have a slower response time than email, if needed, please call 312-322-2400.