Appointment Locator
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Welcome to our online appointment system.  Please use the drop-down menu to your left to select the assessment you want to schedule.  


The ESOL-CASAS test is for students looking to enter our English for Speakers of Other Languages program.  

The GED(R) Classes - CASAS (Pre-Test) is a required pre-test for students seeking admission into the F. K. Marchman Technical College GED(R) program.

The GED(R) Ready Tests are only for individuals aged 16 or 17 who wish to receive their underage GED(R) waiver. These tests are not for enrollment or placement purposes. Make sure you have created your account and paid for the GED(R) Ready Tests before scheduling. **Please note: When scheduling one GED(R) Ready Test at a time, you must return to this page to schedule each one individually!

The WIOA - TABE test is offered to the general public who need this test for other organizations, including the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), and can be taken at the FKMTC Assessment Center.

If you would like to schedule an ASE Certification Exam, you must first visit the ASE site to schedule and pay for your exam.  As you proceed through the booking process you will not need to indicate which test you are taking.  That information is only needed when you schedule the test on the ASE site. You will, however, need your ASE number to schedule your appointment.