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NorQuest Appointment Bookings


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N95 Mask Fitting
For questions or concerns please reach out to Maskfittest@NorQuest.ca 


Its Your Move - Lab Portion
Note: This is only for recertification or excused absences. 
If you have any concerns or are unsure if you should book, please reach out prior to booking Its.YourMove@NorQuest.ca 

To Book:
  • Select your required service. N95 Mask or It's Your Move 
  • Click one of the available days and pick the desired time slot
  • Please use your Norquest e-mail for your booking
  • Students will recieve a confirmation email once appointment is booked
  • A reminder email with all information needed and location will be sent closer to your apppoinment date.


The personal information collected in this web form is used for the purposes of booking IYM/mask-fit appointments at NorQuest College. Collection is authorized under section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act and is managed in accordance with the Act. Please be aware your personal information will be shared with vendors and may be stored on servers outside of Alberta or Canada. The NorQuest College Health Studies Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) Team cannot and does not guarantee protection against the possible disclosure of your data including, without limitation, possible disclosures of data in accordance with the laws of a foreign jurisdiction. Please direct any questions about this collection, use, and disclosure to: WIL Team, 10215-108 Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 1L6, Tel: 780.644.6630.