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Appointment Locator
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Welcome to our online appointment system, where you can schedule time for your next lesson!

To book a lesson, use the two drop down menus on the left. 
  • Select a time slot for either 30 minutes or an 1 hour. 
    • Please contact the golf shop for the most updated rates!
  • Select an instructor to view their availability.
    • Dates in gray mean the instructor is unavailable or will update their availability prospectively. 
  • When you book the lesson, there is a special instructions section below where you can add important information for our instructor to know. 
    • Examples include: Name/s, New Golfer/s, Junior Golfer/s, Need clubs to use, Desire to work on long game/short game specifically, etc. 
Please feel free to email the instructors if you have questions! Hope to see you soon! 

**NOTICE: I will be unavailable after March 5th, as she will be transitioning to a new position elsewhere. I appreciate all of you who have worked with me in the past before. Send me an email if you would like to keep in touch! Thank you so much! - Lulu Huang**

MICHAEL: mcattani@laspositasgolfcourse.com
CHRIS: odiegolf@yahoo.com
LULU: luluhuanggolf@gmail.com
ESTEE: esteegolfs@gmail.com